So hopefully you read the last about me and wanted to find out more, or you just started reading my blog and this is your first one, well last month I posted about me, I think i was inspired by turning 30, which I still think sounds wrong where did my twenties go!!
I am started to notice a theme in the things I love this might have something to do with my I have worked in hospitality all my life and that is FOOD!
The first thing I am going to mention today shows up on my Instagram quite often and that is Macaroons, to be honest im not sure when this love started but it is here to stay. I don't actually mind which flavor and some of the best are not always the most expensive but my all-time favorite is the giant ones at the Savoy in London they are just amazing!

Next is Yoga, I have always had a love-hate for yoga, my first class was a birthday present many years ago and it was very spiritual which wasnt really me, but since then I found some more classes which are more focused on the breathing and movements then being one with the earth ect. The best class I ever attended was in Thailand which was held outside in an old ruin, I was pretty rubbish compared to others but it was just a great start to the day! I tend to have a few months of really getting into yoga then forget all about it again, While I was pregnant I loved Pilates, but since having the little one I haven't made it back into a routine, maybe thats a goal for 2020.

According to figures lots of women love Crime Novels and I am one of them, being Dyslexic makes reading not that enjoyable and, for so many years I was so far behind my year group I really didn't enjoy it. I think i read Harry Potter about 5 years after everyone else but once I started reading these books I started to enjoy reading and as I got older I really found Crime Novels great to read as they really sucked you in so you wanted to read them unlike some books where I get bored before the end of the first chapter. I can't wait for my next holiday so I can read one!

And finally, another food item that I love Lemon Meringue Pie, my mum has always made this dessert and I simply love it I also will always choose if for dessert if I am out. 2 years ago I actually learned to make it myself and my partner loves it but every time I make it for anyone else it goes wrong. This week was the biggest test when my mum asked me to make it for her..... but luckily it all went right and she loved it!
