Well what a year it has been! It was meant to be my first full year as Perfect Day by Karen, and let’s say my company has had a full year but we haven’t worked any weddings. It is not the year any one planned and everyone is hoping 2021 will be the year to be remembered let’s hope it is for the right reasons.

With the recent lockdown many of my couples are getting worried about 2021 and rightfully so! Many of my couples feel it is silly planning their wedding and paying for something that might not happen, it makes me wish I had a crystal ball so I could tell them it will or arrange scheduled lockdowns so we can plan around them.
Unfortunately, none of these options are possible but here is some information about Wedding in France from this year which might put other couples’ minds at rest about their wedding next year.
In the UK there was lots of issues with number of guests you can invite to your wedding this year once the lockdown was lifted you could have as many people as you had invited to your wedding one of my venues was open for 200 people the key thing here though was it is a private venue. If you wedding is booked in a hotel or restaurant then there were limits on numbers and also how many people could sit at one table and even how close they could sit.

There has been a shift in the UK for couples looking at destination weddings so their wedding can happen with higher numbers. Which is promising if this was always your plan.
The main things to consider is how people will get here and are they happy to travel and of the people that do not want to travel are you happy to have your wedding without them?
My main piece of advice to my couples right now is find out where you stand with all your suppliers if you haven’t already. So, you know how much of a financial lost you will have from cancelling and at what points you will lose the least money for example 6 months before. Most of my suppliers are being flexible and as long as you keep the conversation open with your suppliers, they should be more understanding.

I really believe we will know more on the other side of this current lockdown which I see being extended into the New Year. Basically, have a great Christmas even if it is just the two of you, keep planning and looking at idea’s and come back to the plan B and what If’s in the New Year.